I use my 3d printer sparingly. I don’t like printing useless stuff, so I design parts when needed if I can’t find them somewhere else.
I use my printer when I need it. Once I learned CAD, the need to print toys and trinkets basically evaporated. (I did just print a tiny guitar for my daughter for Christmas as a placeholder for a trip to the guitar store after the holidays were over.)
The printer is now an extremely useful tool. The drawback is that I don’t use as much filament and have had a few spools degrade on me. It’s no biggie, but it’s a time suck to dry it and get it usable again.
Do what I do, when you have filament, extrAs, supports. Leave them in a 5 gallon bucket until 2/3 full. Then go out to the garage with your old toaster oven and make filament bricks. It takes no time at all to make…please help me I have filament bricks 9x12x1" everywhere. Please normalize this lol
Same but when I do use it, wow is it handy to have around. It’s more than paid for itself with all the stuff I’ve been able to fix with it or make outright.
I am the same way but I get hell from the wife for purchasing something that isn’t being used. So now I have a table full of articulated dragons, and a wife asking why I have so many…
Print yourself a new wife, simple.