Beeper users say Apple is now blocking their Macs from using iMessage entirely::The Apple-versus-Beeper saga is not over yet it seems, even though the iMessage-on-Android Beeper Mini was removed from the Play Store last week. Now,

    1 year ago

    Yeah, I’m sure every beeper user knew the details of the iMessage tos and deserves to be locked out of a major selling point of the iMac they purchased because they tried to get access to that feature on an android phone. It’s incredibly unlikely anyone getting banned knew it was a possibility.

    Just because apple put some bs in a TOS doesn’t make it moral or even necessarily legal.

    Anyway maybe don’t be a shill for making the world worse for consumers even if you were correct with this terrible take.

    • gregorum
      1 year ago

      Lmao, this is the most entitled bullshit excuse for willful ignorance I’ve read since Trump claimed he didn’t know he wasn’t allowed to steal top secret documents because nobody told him espionage was against the law.

        31 year ago

        And your response is the most arrogant boot licking BS excuse for intellectual analysis I’ve read since Mike Lindell insisted Trump won the election. Apple is not a mom and pop shop so when they control so much of our means to connect they damn sure should be scrutinized. You may not agree with that sentiment but a growing number of people who understand the issues sure do. This includes a growing number of regulators from around the world. Japan, the European Union and the United States are all in various stages of addressing this issue. Despite your bravado you don’t have the moral or intellectual high ground here.

            51 year ago

            To be fair, you’re the one crying and twisting yourself around to defend the worlds biggest company here. What’s really funny is when you talk about “the rules” when I just outlined how international law is about to change the rules. It appears it’s you who isn’t happy with the rules and therefore you who is the massive hypocrite. You don’t like it? Well too bad. Start your own country then you lazy cry baby. 😉

            1 year ago

            Which bit of this does Apple own? The beeper app? The iMac? The code that beeper wrote to communicate with Apple’s libraries? Apple doesn’t own shit here. It’s why they’re being investigated for breaking beeper multiple times. You can let Daddy Apple hit you harder if you want but consumers don’t have to take it. I’m hoping you’re a troll because nobody can be this stupid without really really trying.

            And no, you can’t kick people out from your service at any time without cause. It turns out when you sell somebody a product that relies on services you agree to provide those services, what these people do on their Android phone with another company named beeper is none of your damn business. You can’t ban them. It’s fucked up. It isn’t entitled to expect the products you bought from Apple to continue to work. Despite what you do with your Android phone to say otherwise is insane. So again, I hope your troll or that you come to realize that you have rights as a consumer. Anyway, I’m tapping out on this one. Have a good evening everybody.

            • gregorum
              1 year ago

              Apple owns its servers. Apple owns its services. And when you use them while breaking the rules, they get to kick you off of both. You are not entitled to anything.

              1 year ago

              Which bit of this does Apple own? The beeper app? The iMac? The code that beeper wrote to communicate with Apple’s libraries? Apple doesn’t own shit here.

              They own the servers and the services that run on them.

            31 year ago

            just so your chat bubbles can be blue, you massive hypocrites. Ha!

            I’m constantly blown away at the number of people who think issue is actually about bubble colors…

            • gregorum
              11 year ago

              It is. You can get all the privacy and features you want on a dozen of other services.

                01 year ago

                😂 no, it isn’t.

                You can get it on hundreds of other services if the people you talk to also use those other services.

                The problem is that they don’t because Apple does not allow you to use any other service with SMS fallback.

                • gregorum
                  1 year ago

                  You can get it on hundreds of other services if the people you talk to also use those other services.

                  yeah, that’s how they work

                  The problem is that they don’t because Apple does not allow you to use any other service with SMS fallback.

                  boo hoo. that doesn’t entitle you to use someone else’s private property however you like without their permission. it’s baffling how you don’t comprehend that.

                  I don’t personally care that beeper was doing its thing— I just don’t think anyone has a right to complain for getting banned from the service for violating the TOS. like… you knew what you were doing. it’s ridiculous to think that was ok or that you were entitled to do that. when I pirate a film or tv show, I don’t think I’m entitled to it.