Im betting porn only has a year or 2 left on reddit. They already been slowly purging for years. Got to keep the advertisers happy.
There was some other social media site that banned porn a few years ago, I think it was Tumblr? I wonder how that worked out for them.
Tumblr reversed their ban a year ago, so that’s pretty self evident.
It was only a partial reversal from what I’ve heard.
Let me check my Tumblr, oh wait. I don’t have one.
What’s even there now? I only knew of tumbler because of the anime titties.
It’s been pretty active all this time tbh. I didn’t notice getting worse, but then I was never there for the porn.
Maybe not active in the right way from an advertising perspective idk, but it’s never been lacking good content.
They reversed the ban and in any case, there was still a shit ton of porn on the site, it was just written rather than drawn.
OnlyFans tried a while back. There was probably some internal political maneuvering going on with that one.
Isn’t the whole point of that platform porn though?
Tells you how scarred advertisers are of a titty.
OnlyFans isn’t funded by advertising. It appears to be the credit card industry at the heart of this one.
I think it was Freakonomics that did a series on it? But yeah, quite an interesting and convoluted series of events.
2 years left till the inevitable porn ban on reddit and 3 years till that decision kills them