It’s unlikely I’ll write a longer answer on my phone. But if all you have is ridicule again, and insults, I’ll leave you with some short thoughts.
Gamestop has been doing fairly well, looking at financials. And people complain about not owning their virtual stuff, which NFT smart contracts could be a solution for. I don’t necessarily agree on the the specifics for blockchain based solution though, nor did I like the picturefest which only obfuscated good use cases.
Edit: unlike of course vague half truths
Imagine simping for NFTs in 2024.
It’s a technology, simple as. But since we’re back at the start, who profits the most from not moving status quo?
What other viable and available technology options are there for a system where the consumer can somewhat freely do what they want with digital assets?
And wtf simping? Wat
What other viable and available technology options are there for a system where the consumer can somewhat freely do what they want with digital assets?
NFTs do nothing to help this.
How do you figure?
In that they do nothing to fix it. How do you figure they would work? Or do you expect me to prove a negative? Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
But it does work? And just fundamentally why wouldn’t it as a concept?
Gods Unchained, immutable X. NFT is a back-end tech and no one should buy anything just because it is a NFT. The whole idea is to add to the value proposition for the customer/end user
No, it does not work. It’s a URL that’s attached to a blockchain. That’s it. The URL can disappear, or you can create a parallel blockchain with the same URL given to someone else.
Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
What’s with the straw men? Make your point only instead.
That could be applied to anything, stuff on Steam only exist as long as Steam does or allows it to, however does the “URL” have to be accepted if it’s out of network? I don’t think it does. Still, there are inherent flaws in a blockchain system.
Much like I can make a fake cd key and try to use matlab, but they won’t accept it