That’s also a less secure version of 2fa. Granted, it is still better than nothing, but sim spoofing is still a thing that happens regularly. Making it much less useful in a targeted attack.
over texting or an app. because an app requires a smartphone.
A smartphone is infinitely more secure than relying on a SIM card not being compromised. A little social engineering can get you access to receive a text as the link isn’t even controlled by you but a third party. An app on your phone is likely secured by a pin/biometric, and a password/pin/biometric, both controlled by you.
yup. if you have or care to have a smartphone. having a smartphone or even a cell phone should not be some sort of requirement live in society.
Oh cmon, you can get a smartphone literally for free these days. And yes, having a cell phone of some type is pretty much a requirement to live in the 23rd century. Even if you are just communicating over free McDonalds wifi (no shame, been there done that) you pretty much need a smart phone in the modern world.
its not the cost. I hate them. I use my laptop on wifi.
23rd century?
Whoops, lmao. Obviously I meant the 21st century. Definitely not a time traveler.
Too bad. I was hoping to get some hot stock tips.