Gen Z is choosing not to drive::Less Gen Z Americans own a driver’s license than previous generations, according to consulting firm McKinsey.
Sure, but why get a licence if you know you won’t have a car any time soon?
Because it’s convenient to be able to drive a car? There are lots of cases when you may borrow a car to do things. Teenagers might borrow their parents car to do errands and stuff.
As someone who has absolutely no desire to ever own or drive a car, I’m getting my licence based purely on the off chance that I might need to anyway (but I’d probably just hire for a day).
Because you don’t want to drive privately but for work. Where you need a drivers license.
I got a licence when I was 18 (legal driving age where I live) despite not owning a car or planning to anytime soon. I could still borrow my parent’s car sometimes, which was nice. This article specifically talks about teens in the 16-17 year old range, very much able to borrow a car from parents (if they have one)