Tesla charging stations become ‘car graveyards’ as batteries die in subzero temperatures, abandoned cars left in the lot after cars wouldn’t charge::undefined
I’ve been seeing this surfacing a lot lately, two curious things:
- Fox - right wing, republican and conservative media known for being against global warming, renewables and electric cars, is the only source of this, all other media link back to Fox
- Only happening in Chicago, people in other regions with the similar conditions report no such issues
It sounded like a bunch of things combined: chargers going down, long queues at the working chargers as people take much longer than usual to charge, Uber drivers with rented EVs who don’t really know about charging in the cold, etc.
So people who did do the right things and turned up at a charger with a warm battery ready to charge found themselves on the end of a five hour queue, and by the time they got a turn their cars were cold so they needed a long time on the charger to warm up before they can even start charging.
If you don’t have enough working chargers at very low temperatures it can all just kind of snowball. That’s not really an EV issue, it’s an infrastructure problem. Strangely, you won’t hear Faux News advocating for more chargers.
I’m not saying an event like that didn’t happen, but as far as we know a single event is blown out of proportions by Fox, it’s reported out of the context all over the world, giving people the feeling it’s a common occurrence