Tesla charging stations become ‘car graveyards’ as batteries die in subzero temperatures, abandoned cars left in the lot after cars wouldn’t charge::undefined
It’s true, our plain old dinosaur fuel car was notably slower in turning over on the -5 and colder days we’ve had recently.
But since tesla bother to heat the propulsion battery why don’t they either 1: have a 12v power supply to provide ancillary power from the propulsion batteries if the 12v supply fails, or 2: also heat that battery too?
Probably due to the legacy of their first car, which was a gas car (a Lexus if I recall correctly) converted to a fully electric car. To minimize what they had to change, they kept the electronic circuitry as is and just changed the propulsion. Problem is, a gas car has its internal engine to heat up the battery. Electric car doesn’t.