Supermarket responds after Reddit user’s warning about self-checkout overcharge — ‘Was annoyed that the total amount due on my supermarket purchase did not equate to the individual items I purchased.’::‘Was annoyed that the amount due on my Woolies purchase did not equate to the individual items I purchased.’
There’s a lot of "I deserve to have a human scan items” takes that are bafflingly stupid.
I know, right? People should be glad that prices are rising while wages are stagnating and now having to do additional work to reduce cost and increase profits for corporations.
I also don’t get the entitled assholes in restaurants. You wan’t to be waited on? Just go up to the cook directly yourself and tell them what you want to eat. And then bring it to your table that you’ve cleaned up yourself. In fact, restaurants should get rid of cooks as well. Just go to the restaurant and cook your own meal, you lazy bastards!
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I’m a fan of stores hiring even more cashiers and them working fewer hours (without a paycut, ofcourse; sonething like 4 day workweek) to spread out the workload and having more people employed and reducing the long lines.
I am a fan of not replacing all the cashiers with selfcheckouts.
I am a fan of putting mechanisms in place that reduce the incidence of RSI. Not to mention the fact that there are occupations with a high incidence of much much harsher illnesses and injuries etc.
I am a fan of people having more free time after they get off work instead of having to spend it waiting in line for someone to finally check their items out and then having to spend a long time doing it themselves.
And I never said it was to hurt corporations but that your comment sounded like bootlicking. But, yeah, I want cashiers because everyone only goes to the store for a single item. Nice strawman you got there.
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You do realize that the elderly and disabled people go shopping too, right?
How is your point being proven? Also, read my comment again, I edited some stuff. Might edit it some more later, IDK. I mean, your only argument seems to be “high incidence of RSI and people are lazy hurr durr.”