Tesla Cybertruck Owners Who Drove 10,000 Miles Say Range Is 164 To 206 Miles::Also, the charging speeds are below par, but on the flip side, the sound system is awesome and the car is “a dream to drive.”
Who said anything about contractors? I’m currently watching the ev truck market because I diy a lot of shit and hate having to rent a truck to buy plywood. These aren’t for contractors.
It’s cheaper to rent the truck and plan your trips well. Hell even better, rent a work van since they can fit more in general.
It’s much more time consuming and problem prone. I’ve lived this way for years now and want to be able to just drive out and haul shit without the hassle. This shit is a hobby and the rental nonsense makes it feel like work.
I understand it if you are using it like weekly, but the savings are substantial if you just rent.