Tesla Cybertruck Owners Who Drove 10,000 Miles Say Range Is 164 To 206 Miles::Also, the charging speeds are below par, but on the flip side, the sound system is awesome and the car is “a dream to drive.”
My Chevy Bolt gets more range at a fraction of the cost and I love it. I charge it at work for free and it has been an extremely reliable car for a couple years now.
I mean yes but not really comparable to what’s supposed to be a pick up truck. It’s no different than saying your Prius is more efficient than an F150 lol
You can’t even fit a bicycle in a cyber truck. You’re not gonna be hauling anything.
Yeah, but an F150 is useful. The Tesla Truck isn’t.
Calling the cybertruck a Pickup is hularious, you cant fit jack shit in there. So it is more comparable to the bolt than a f150 IMO
There are a lot of pictures on Facebook of people carrying decent sized loads - I saw a stack of drywall, a significant pile of lumber, and some motorbikes. I think it’s smallness is exaggerated
I just wish they had made a modular bed design like every other pickup ever. Cyber truck would be an ideal platform for a professional welder, if he could only flat deck it. Dudes carry a high output generator anyways, in theory they could run their welder off the tesla battery, run their welding genny as needed, and never be stuck out on a pipeline somewhere with a dead electric truck.
That’s too specific to justify the engineering effort.
Well, no, that was just one example. People really do need flat decks, there’s a reason every pickup ever had a separate box. Also every truck mount camper was designed for the 8x4 box, even shortboxes are 8x4 with the endgate down. Cant tow a 5th wheel with a tesla either, or at least it doesn’t look like you can.
F150s and the like often have a bigger tank to counteract the lower efficiency. The headline at least is about range, which is made of a combination of battery capacity and efficiency.
My electric bike gets more range than a Chevy Bolt and I love it. I charge it at work for free and it has been an extremely reliable bike for a couple years now.