Do PC gamers feel 12GB of VRAM is simply not enough for the money in 2024?
I’m fine playing at 30fps, I don’t really notice much of a difference. For me ram is the biggest influence in a purchase due to the capabilities it opens up for local AI stuff.
If someone says they don’t notice a difference between 60 FPS and 120+ FPS, I think… okay, it is diminishing returns, 60 is pretty good. But if someone says they don’t notice a difference between 30 and 60… you need to get your eyes checked mate.
I notice a difference, it’s just not enough to make it a big deal for me. It’s like going from 1080 to 1440, you can see it but it’s not really an issue being on 1080.
It depends on the game, quick action packed stuff you can see the jumping and in something like a shooter it can be a disadvantage.
For something like Slay the Spire tho, totally fine.
I’m at the age where if games require such quick reactions that the difference in FPS matters, I’m going to get my ass handed to me by the younguns anyway…
Well maybe if you had a 240hz monitor… ;)
Totally fair, just worth point out that it can/does make a difference in those games as it can literally mean the difference in firing where someone was rather then where they are because of how long it takes for you to see the next frame.