X appears to be juicing MrBeast’s views to woo the YouTuber to the platform, pushing video upload into users’ feeds as an unlabeled ad::undefined
You didn’t answer my question.
Why do billionaires who do a fraction of a fraction of what he does get a free pass to actively steal economic activity from their workers and customers because their product isn’t content - but somebody whose business is creating something of value (content) who pays his people reasonably and also does good for people needs to be be taken down at every turn and shat on at every opportunity?
Corporate apologism at its finest, right here. The only true evil is making money via creating a popular product instead of stealing the economic value of those who create a product for you because you already had all the capital to start with. Infinite corporate greed is good because it’s private, using your money and platform to help people is evil because they do it in the open.
Nobody is giving them a free pass. You’re the only one suggesting that. We’re discussing the weather and you keep jumping in and yelling the sky is blue. No shit, sherlock, but we’re discussing the weather. Don’t you get it? You’re the only person saying that. We’re talking about Mr Beast, and all you keep saying is What about all those other people? I don’t give a shit about them because we’re talking about Mr Beast. You’re the guy that keeps jumping into the conversation and trying to change the subject to make it about something else. You’re nuts or completely live under a rock if you think lemmy/reddit/fediverse doesn’t shit on billionaires regularly, doesn’t discuss wealth inequality, doesn’t point out ostentatious displays of wealth. Do other billionaires get a pass? NO. Now let us continue our discussion without having to be reminded about something we already know.