X appears to be juicing MrBeast’s views to woo the YouTuber to the platform, pushing video upload into users’ feeds as an unlabeled ad::undefined
If MrBeast leaves YouTube I will consider that a win. I am so tired of see his gaping jaw open on my front page for his stupid stunts and his stupid candybars.
You know you can set channels to “not interested” and “don’t recommend channel”, right?
It’s not permanent, even if you click on “don’t recommend channel”. After a while, YouTube will ignore your choice and show it to you again if it feels like it.
We’re clearly doing something different because I never get Mr Beats recommend.
It’s based on your viewing history.
You can run a little experiment to verify this if you want. Take some subject you usually watch and take some channel your have interest in (and you will keep watching similar videos). Set that channel as “don’t recommend channel”. After a while (never calculated how long), you’ll get recommendations of that channel again.
I also don’t get Mr Beast recommendation as I don’t watch similar content, but there are channels I need to keep blocking since I like the subject but not those channels in particular.
I was mostly just saying that the “don’t recommend channel” approach is not a solution for everyone.
He has done more for charity and general philanthropy than you ever will.
Self-promotion is not charity. And neither is putty porn. It’s just the cost of doing business when you’re your own brand. And philanthropy is a scam promoted by the rich to help justify their wealth hoarding.
All of it ultimately ends up personally furthering the rich person’s personal goals. It’s all just a way of saying that the rich deserve to determine what society goals should be, and how society should use its limited resources.
It’s taking control away from the masses, and keeping it in the hands of those with money.