Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do. The generation that grew up with the internet isn’t invulnerable to becoming the victim of online hackers and scammers.::undefined

  • Random_Character_A
    181 year ago

    I think that generalization is acceptable.

    Most avoid computers. My parents use’em and click everything they come across with. Decade ago I installed Linux in their shitty old computer, just so I can remove everything they can use to screw up the OS.

    Everything was fine for few years till my father bought a new shitty low end computer from the black friday with all kinds of support and additional warranty BS that needed Windows with VNC that they really didn’t understand.

    So, the result of that study is BS. One reason is that people selling old people expensive shit they don’t need is not considered a scam.

        71 year ago

        80yo grandma with a ultrafast 5G data plan bigger than mine. And her daily phone is a Doro that doesn’t even do text messages.