Who would’ve thought? This isn’t going to fly with the EU.
Article 5.3 of the Digital Markets Act (DMA): “The gatekeeper shall not prevent business users from offering the same products or services to end users through third-party online intermediation services or through their own direct online sales channel at prices or conditions that are different from those offered through the online intermediation services of the gatekeeper.”
Friendly reminder that you can sideload apps without jailbreaking or paying for a dev account using TrollStore, which utilises core trust bugs to bypass/spoof some app validation keys, on a iPhone XR or newer on iOS 14.0 up to 16.6.1. (ANY version for iPhone X and older)
Install guide: Trollstore
It’s hard to imagine people who buy iPhones care about sideloading. Their priority is the convenience of iMessage and the Apple ecosystem.
I care about sideloading and imessage. If imessage was available on android, I would be using a pixel at the moment. It’s just that I am from the US but don’t live their. So imessage is the easiest way for me to be in touch with 99% of the people I know.
The convenience of… texting?
Lol. Sometimes I feel you ppl just regurgitate what you’ve seen before without realizing it.
The texting thing seems to be something real in the USA.