White hat shit like this is lame as fuck lol
Hack a 1%s car and run it off a cliff (ransomware breaks, hello?)
That’s some sociopath shit right there. But tbh white hat is better – the people that did this are guaranteed steady paychecks for the rest of their lives, with a lot lower stress than getting one big payday and having to look over your shoulder your whole life
Look over your shoulder? Lol 🤣
Tell me you’ve never actually engaged in any real criminal activity without telling me you’ve never actually engaged in any real criminal activity
Hack a 1%s car
A Tesla costs about the same as a Ford F-150 pickup. You want all those F150 drivers killed too?
(the car could be any of the hundreds of digitalized luxury cars, or a Tesla, sure)
I’d love to hack into all F-150s and remap the maximum throttle opening to maybe 1/2. Also set speed limits to 70 maybe. Or add GPS based limits to keep the fuckers from basically drag racing down my narrow sidewalk less street.
Actually doing Rams is probably best, and remapping diesels to prevent coal rolling would be high on the list too.