Don’t get this mistaken with the fact that a lot of people know their job is bullshit. People like to sit there thinking ‘an AI can’t take my job’ while at the same time thinking ‘a monkey can do this job it’s such a waste of time’
My job isn’t bullshit, but management has no concept of the true amount of time it takes to do my job. Depending on projects I can go from 2 hours of work a week up to around 60 hours of work a week. With the majority of weeks being under 40 hours. And yet management somehow thinks that they’re giving me 8 hours of work to do every day despite them regularly being the blocker to new work.
Middle management only cares that it looks like you’re working (and thus their job of supervising you doing the work is necessary (apparently)), and upper management only cares that you’re making them money.
Clearly it’s the clueless middle managers above you whose jobs are bullshit.
If I get a whiff that I can automate your job, you bet your ass I will fire you and try. If it doesn’t work, worst case scenario is I found out AI isn’t where I need it to be and I will hire someone else.
I hate lazy people who complain. But then again, I’m full of shit writing this during work hours so fuck me
I don’t think AI could do my job effectively and tbh I don’t think people would want it too.