You could just watch what you input into it lol ChatGPT is a pretty good tool to have in the toolkit and like any tool there’s warnings and cautions on its use.
It’s an amazing tool. I think it’s funny how many people fight it tooth and nail. I like to think they’re the kind of person who refused to use spell check, or the touch tone phone.
There are very valid philosophical and ethical reasons not to use it. We’re not just being luddites for the hell of it. In many cases, we’re engineers and scientists with interest, experience, or expertise in neural nets and LLMs ourselves, and we don’t like how fast and loose (in a lot of really, really important ways) all these big companies are playing it with the training datasets, nor how they’re actively disregarding any sort of legal or ethical responsibility around the technology writ large.
Likewise. The same could be said about every technology.
Uh, no. Why would that be the case? Every technology has unique upsides and downsides and the downsides of this one are not being handled correctly and are in fact being exacerbated.
I’m not against chat GPT or other AI, but I am thoroughly sick of hearing about it.
Agreed. It’s really annoying.