AMD’s new CPU hits 132fps in Fortnite without a graphics card::Also get 49fps in BG3, 119fps in CS2, and 41fps in Cyberpunk 2077 using the new AMD Ryzen 8700G, all without the need for an extra CPU cooler.
I hope red and blue both find success in this segment. Ideally the strengthened APU share of the market exerts pressure on publishers to properly optimize their games instead of cynically offloading the compute cost onto players.
Hell yeah, I want EVERYONE to make dope ass shit. I’ve made machines with both sides, and I hate tribal…ness. My current machine is a 9900k that’s getting to be… five years old?! I’d make an AMD machine today if I needed a new machine. AMD/Intel rivalry is so good for us all. Intel slacked so hard after the 9000-series. I hope they come back.
Intel has slacked hard since the 2000-series. One shitty 4 core release after another, until AMD kicked things into gear with Ryzen.
And during that time you couldn’t buy Intel due to security flaws (Meltdown, Spectre, …).
Even now they are slacking, just look at the power consumption. The way they currently produce CPUs isn’t sustainable (AMD pays way less per chip with the chiplet design and is far more flexible).
Ayyyy the 9900k was best in class when it was released.
Otherwise I fully absolutely agree with you.
I only went Intel because the benchmarks were amazing.
In fairness, computers have aged a lot better than they did 20 years ago, in the far-off year of 2000.
My computer is a desktop from 2013 or so (With an i7-4770) , and other than some upgrades to the RAM (8 -> 16 GB) and the graphics (GT640 -> RX570), it’s still fairly solid, and will run most things fairly decently.
By comparison, trying to use a computer from 2005 in 2015 was a much tougher ask, since it struggled a lot more with even just bare Windows 10.
My guest machine is a 4670k/16GB/1070! It still runs most games perfectly. Amazing processor series.
Edit: my Crysis machine I built when it came out was pretty rough after like three years. Athlon 64x2 4400+, 4GB, 2x7900GT SLI. It’s insane how much longer computers last now. SSDs help a tonnnnn