Someone there wants to go back to 20+ years ago when your friends mom’s Internet Explorer windows included 75 different toolbars and there was only a little bit of browser space left. The hayday of “Buddy Bar” is returning for your Edge, Outlook, and Taskbar. Next will be explorer and Excel. The future is looking bright.
Also, Bonzai Buddy.
Man, I had a girlfriend once like 20 years ago who’s dad knew I was into computers and he was so proud to show me this neat Banzai Buddy software he found, he thought he was so cool.
That was the moment that I realized that, actually, something was wrong with all the adults on this planet.
the little purple desktop buddy could come back now… powered by ai
Parents loved that little purple fucker.
so did I but I was 10 years old
It wasn’t official right from MS then. Some stupid people even behaved as if MS were the good guys (who’d also never do something like this).