That is stupid. I wish it would just let me block channels for real in search. Also, I wonder how that works if you’re colorblind?
If I want something news related, that doesn’t mean I want to see Fox News or other random right wing nutjobs who scream into the camera about “wokeism” every day for 4 hours.
Things I wish YouTube would let me do:
- See dislikes
- Disable Shorts (uBlock lets me filter them out, at least)
- At the very least let me control the fucking volume on Shorts instead of muting/unmuting them only if you’re going to force them down my throat (seriously, it makes the entire video format unwatchable on Desktop because every fucking Short video is so god damned loud)
- Disable holding left-click to fast-forward a video (I do this thing where I’m about to pause a video and hold down the click until they’re done talking and this change is just so fucking stupid, I don’t understand who needs to hold down left click to fast-forward)
- Actually block channels I’m not interested in
- Block videos based on keywords
- Recommend videos based on the one I’m currently watching if my watch history is disabled
- Seriously, since disabling it YouTube does nothing but recommend “trending” crap that has absolutely nothing to do with what I’m watching
If they’d implement even half of that, my user experience would shoot up through the roof. But, you know, they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about user experience.
I know it’s been said many times, but I truly miss the old internet. Fuck this homogeneous, corporatized, spyware ridden, ad infested, data harvesting, soulless, pile of fucking dogshit called the modern internet.
With terrible UI on top. Like seriously YouTube let me hide videos after I’ve watched them.
Not only that, let me hide whole dumbass channels. Then apply a similar function at Google search so I can spare my eyes from seeing a 1000 temu ads with each result.
Just let my choose which sites I want to block from showing me search results and ads.
I’d also like them to fix the search. It only returns a small handful of results and then the rest is just recommended stuff not relating to the search
Add “autoplay the next episode of the podcast I’m watching if it’s available.” Yeah, youtube, I really wanna watch Well There’s Your Problem #138 immediately after Well There’s Your Problem #43. Idiot.
“Let’s Play Dumbcraft! Ep. 1”
Then get every other Episode except Ep. 2 listed, so you have to go to the channel and manually find it…
Currently the set up that makes youtube somewhat tolerable for me is, Ublock Origin (obviously), sponsor block, Return youtube dislike, Youtube-shorts block , and UnHook. Another option would be to use invidous, Freetube, or NewPipe, but all of them are not perfect and have their own limitations.
One thing that brought back the joy of earlier times youtube for me was
- Disable thumbnails (e.g. “Clickbait Remover for Youtube” on ff)
Disable holding left-click to fast-forward a video
Oh god yes I hate this so much. If I want to control the playback speed of video there is an option in the settings for that. If they wanted to make it an option to fast forward by doing something rather than just changing the setting globally, it would have been better if they had picked literally anything other than me having to keep my finger on the mouse button. It should have been if I hold down the right arrow key.
Holding left click to fast forward is the best feature they’ve d added in a long time
Also, I wonder how that works if you’re colorblind?
This was probably a joke but I can actually answer that for you.
First of all, afaik there is no scientific consensus that people see the colours the same way. In fact, we most likely don’t. The visual colour interpretation is mostly likely merely added on by our brains basing on the knowledge of wavelengths. In other words, there is no such thing as “absolute blue”. There is “a blue” which is the colour each one of us’ brains was taught to call blue by simply showing the sky. If I were to look through your brain (but not through your eyes, eyes understand wavelengths), we would probably disagree on each and every colour.
Second of all, there are different kinds of colour blindness. It is in fact an umbrella term for different disabilities. My understanding is that they usually involve a spectrum between two hues. So most colourblind will simply be unable to tell a difference between objects of two colours: for example red and green. They see them as slightly different versions of the same colour. However it would be wrong to say that the person in question sees red as green or vice versa, because, again, there are no “absolute colours”. Their eyes cannot distinguish between these two ranges of wavelengths and the brain interprets them as the same colour.
And finally, colourblind people, when diagnosed, are fully aware of being colourblind, and furthermore, they DO NOT see in black and white. Even if a person cannot distinguish red and orange, then they still are aware there is a difference that most people around can tell and that there are concepts and feelings associated with them.
What I am trying to say is that a colour-blind person would probably still be able to, for example, associate “red” videos with action and blood, and “green” ones with nature and calmness, even though this distinction is not palpable to them.
Either way, this filtering with thumbnail colour is fucking stupid.
Very interesting - my job involves a lot of Excel and charts, so I recently took a training on how to make those more accessible for colorblind folks. So that’s good to know!
Also, I wonder how that works if you’re colorblind?
It’s orange, blue, and yellow fyi.
That depends on the type of color blindness, there are different types
Well that’s what I see.