• @papaya@possumpat.io
    1 year ago

    As someone who converted to ortho bc of their deep dislike for stabilizers, I approve this message.

    Cool build, looking forward to its finish!

    • wjriiOP
      21 year ago

      My first two DIY builds were orthos, but it sort of didn’t take. I did realize that while I don’t type properly or even all that well, I still don’t particularly need a full size spacebar as I almost always land in the same spot with my right thumb or (forgive me) index finger. I use KMK for my boards, and the debounce is good enough that if I happen to double tap the two spacebars, it won’t register two taps. The rest of the longer keys don’t REALLY need to be that long, and everybody hates lubing and tuning stabs (or they damn well should) anyway.