Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials::undefined
Leftists: Only the rich will get the longevity drugs!
Reality: Let’s give it to the dogs…
edit: And they fucking deserve it, after what we did to them by years of selective breeding!
Reality: “let’s test it on the dogs.”
How do people not see that this is the ultimate subscription fee?
Yeah, because surely the drug is the same…
People will try taking it.
hydroxychloroquine 💅🤦♂️
That shit is poison. I’ll take a monthly covid infection if I can get rid of the hcq.
Oh my god, they will
Plot twist: it turns you into an immortal furry-anthro-dog
Sold. Beats NOT being immortal. If im immortal ill have time to fix it, eventually
Do you want a fate worse than death? Because that’s how you get a fate worse than death.
I feel like people are learning nothing from Black Mirror. If you’ve got an out before immortality is discovered, you take it.
I’m fine with the chances. We only get one life and I would like to see a much of it i can before it’s curtains.
I got to experience life before and after the interenet already. Want to see what other revolutions will happen and how the world changes
And I can make an educated guess as to who will be suggesting it.