The statistical majority appeared to hold an opinion of “Republicans are evil because they only care when issues affect them” otherwise the meme wouldn’t have gotten so big. Yet the ratio on your comment tells a completely different story. I find it hard to comprehend unless bias.
I have an autistic tendency to observe intense patterns from very small details and i am math nerd. I am almost certainly partly overthinking it.
Thanks for having patience, have a nice day aswell.
I had a niggly feeling that you may have a brain that was analyzing for a pattern. Makes sense.
I’m sure there are plenty of anomalies within the community. And as you previously pointed out there will be a lot of hypocrites.
Much easier to flip flop online than it is the real world. Nobody to call you out. I think there are a whole heap of variables that aren’t captured when viewing things online.
People do not act “typical” Therefore a lot of research is flawed because it expects a degree of normalcy that is skewed when viewed online.
That’s just my thoughts on the matter. I am not a math nerd but background in psychology and behavioral job currently