Is dependency on a cellular device for a dopamine addiction disruptive?
Y’all are getting dopamine from your screens?
I get cocaine off mine
Ahh that makes sense then. Fun fact, cocaine acts as an reuptake inhibitor of seratonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. So while it does more than just that, that particular function is similar to how SSRI and SNRIs work. Hell if it wasn’t for the side effects I’d probably use Cocaine as an antidepressant.
Cocaine usually depresses me. Until I do more cocaine.
That’s the other problem, afaik there’s not really a good level for a therapeutic dose of the chemical as it is. Kinda like the good effects are strongly attached to the bad ones.
Well, the process to make cocaine is…revolting. Gasoline, acid, etc. There’s no therapeutic amount of poison. Now, the coca leaf, on the other hand, sure. I’m surprised I made it out of my cocaine 20-teens. I wish it were 2080 so I could call them my cocaine 80s, but no such luck. I did all that damage to myself for nothin’