Hahaha you’re not even providing examples! You’re just saying “uhhh oh yeah mate. Hundreds. Hundreds of them. I’m not going to mention any, but yeah, hundreds. You can’t get moved for them.”
Why would I use the wrong currency for a country? That makes no sense. Yet another crappy strawman.
The examples you ask for are literally in the previous comment.
Do you need help reading them?
That would explain a lot of your confusion.
Stop using the word strawman incorrectly, since you obviously don’t know what it means.
They aren’t. You’re just baselessly insisting there are hundreds.
I’ll stop bringing up strawmanning when you stop doing it.
Strawmanning is when you misrepresent or make up part of someone’s argument so you can then dismantle it. Like you did when you brought up other currencies. I never said you can use the Algerian Dinar in a cafe in Copenhagen.
Since you don’t know what the word is, you don’t appear to need any impetus.
I’ve literally listed about 50 in the previous comments.
If you want more than 50, then say that.
So far, with the grocery store chains and others, we’re over a thousand outlets.
So we’ve already proved you wrong like a thousand times, but it is always fun for me, so please keep asking for more.