How many gas powered cars can go 1000km without refueling?
Refueling takes 5 mins max, recharging right now takes 15-20 mins if there is a super charge station.
When you work out how to do this in practice, it doesn’t actually matter. You really should be stopping for ~20 minutes every few hours, anyway. Put in better charging infrastructure and there isn’t much point to vehicles over 400 miles of range. Even 250mi is probably enough. Use further advancements to reduce weight, not push range further.
And before someone shows up who thinks nobody else has heard that batteries have shorter range in cold weather, yes, I’m accounting for that.
After driving non-stop for 200+ miles I’m more than happy to take a break for 15-30 minutes to stretch my legs, hit the bathroom, grab some food, etc. My wife and I have done precisely this on multiple road trips that we’ve taken in our EV.
It’s not 1000km. You lose 30-40% range in the cold. And charging cadence is typically 10-80%, not 0-100%, so you lose another 30% on road trips. Now your 1000km EV does 420-490km between chargers. That’s around three hours on the Autobahn at a rather leisurely 150kph, with a 25-40 min stop. I agree with the user above. Affordable 1000km range is minimum before I’ll be buying another EV.