Welcome to new Amazon. For the cheapest possible pricing, we have prepared a form process equivalent to “Dragon’s Lair”. You can remove each beurocratic hurdle with an extra fee, or alternatively pay a premium to use the “Buy Now” button.
Amazon: you are our bitch now - what tf you gonna do, start a competitor? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA stupid trell.
I’m a DQ fan but I don’t get this reference. I’ve played 1-4, 9 and 11.
Actually, I referenced the wrong game. I meant “Dragon’s Lair”.
Thought it was an apt way to describe a laborious beurocratic process that causes anxiety, in that you’ll have to go through a gauntlet of challenges in a dungeon where every twist and turn is trying to kill you.
That makes sense!
Canceled my prime a few years ago. You don’t need that bullshit in your life, people.