This looks interesting; is anyone here using it?
Yes, I have used it for many months. It has been the best solution for my use case for a while. Which is tasks, shopping, planning (trips, …), recipes, and a simple knowledgebase. It was the offline support that set it apart from some other solutions
I have the files in a syncthing folder, so I can access the files without running silverbullet
My biggest problem is keeping up with all the changes. Zef made some youtube videos that are helpful
Well I have for the last two years, but I’m biased because I wrote it 🤓
I’m using it! I’ve been using it to track various household things and it’s worked great so far!
I use it and love it. Having the metadata (tags, dates, …) of your pages available to query and organize is awesome. I also love the tagged tasks feature.
i’m using it at work to take notes and write documentation.
i think it’s a fantastic app.
i have it as a pwa and have at least one silverbullet for each desktop.
i have ~100 notes perfectly organized in silverbullet!
the only things i would change is compatability with other tools. there is no way to export to PDF, if you nees to convert the note to docx you need to copy paste everything.
Yes, I do and it’s great. I just wrote a template for cooking recipes.