You have some interesting ideas about what a minimum of effort looks like
If you are in the middle of a frame-off gut of a home, as I currently am, much of this is trivial to implement.
Even my parent’s 1978 home, with it’s drop ceiling in the basement, would not make most of this all that much more difficult.
If you are in the middle of a frame-off gut of a home, as I currently am, much of this is trivial to implement.
A notoriously low-effort endeavor in itself.
“It’s doable with a minimum of effort as long as you have your house gutted down to the foundations” isn’t exactly the shining defense of “a minimum of effort” that I expected to read
Go in your attic for 20 minutes. Throw some Ethernet around. You don’t even have to plug all of it in lol
I had to buy almost $500 of mdf to get around my attic well enough to pull cable for backhaul. It’s not as easy as you make it sound in a lot of cases.
You only need 2 pieces and some creativity.
Not all attics are that accessible. Mine is basically an above-house crawlspace full of insulation such that you need a mask.
It’s 2024, do you not have a mask
No, I’ve used them all up in the last 3 years
They made more.
Requires a different type of mask, but yes, I have many masks of different types.
And would you describe it as challenging to wear, there one or two times you would need to be in the attic for this task?
You have completely missed the point of attics not always being very accessible in order to argue for no good reason.
Yes, I would. The respirator type mask which you require in that environment is very stuffy and tough on someone like me who has a lung condition.
It being tiny makes it more inaccessible than the need for a mask does. The opening into the attic is narrow. I can fit through it, but most Americans would not be able to. Once up there, you have to crawl. I have a medical condition affecting my muscles which makes it exceedingly difficult to crawl.
Point is, once again, that not all attics are accessible. This isn’t a discussion about masks.