France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe::undefined
Uncovering these rings, publicizing them, and shutting them down needs to be a top priority. I think a lot, if not most, of the bad decisions made by voters stem from these kind of bad actors. We’ve let it go on for long enough.
Not only voters, also politicians. Everyone can be influenced, even those in power :)
You’d have thought publicising them would involve not only saying they exist, but also educating people about what the misinformation is. As far as I can tell from a quick scan, the article doesn’t talk about the message the proganda is pushing. I’m just as clueless as before about what I should believe and what I shouldn’t.
Are the public just meant to know when they’re being lied to?
Yes this should have been done better. I remember when they did the same thing in the USA they at least listed all of them so you could to see what they were up to.