If it runs locally, that’ll be awesome. I just hope it never decides to turn the heat up to 90F.
There’s plenty of local LLM options these days. It’s entirely feasible to run it in house.
And if someone can do it… I would suspect that there’ll be a HACS module up about 2 weeks ago…
Ideally IMO you’d want a system with safeties in place. Like acceptable temperature ranges or durations for the oven to be on to avoid situations where the software misinterprets a command in a dangerous way.
Something like this:
User: Set temperature to 19 degrees. (Yeah it’s on the cold side even for Celsius, but not a crazy amount as room temperature is around 22 degrees)
Assistant: Setting temperature to 90 degrees. (Deadly in Celsius… Water boils at around 100 degrees, depending on pressure)
Assistant: 90 degrees is outside of the safe range defined by your configuration. Intrusion suspected. Deploying sentry guns.
Good question - I have an allowed range configured on my thermostat but I don’t know if it applies to API calls or is just for the UI