I run HassOS virtualized and have had no issues getting it to use the Atom Echos with ESPhome flashed to them, I have 3 of them in use and a wyoming install on one desktop that communicates as well. Not sure what you might have different. I can certainly see that patching the integration would go badly as a Supervised install will probably lose any patching on container restarts or upgrade.
If your setup allows random udp ports from home assistant out to your network it works fine. Mines running in a kurbenetes cluster.
I used a configmap that mounts the code to patch the integration so it doesn’t get overwritten. I haven’t had time to troubleshoot more though I don’t see why the patch would stop text to speak from working on the esphome devices. The code changed significantly and uses raw audio files now and the only thing I am changing is making the ports not random, but a range instead. The M5 stack firmware appears to be up-to-date too.