So. I tried bitwarden for a while with 2fa. I absolutely did not realize that if you lose your 2fa you are done in that service. So yeah. Time to rebuild.

I’m attempting to go all in on proton stuff ATM. Drive, email, vpn and password manager.

What’s the easiest way to set everything up in a way that the whole system is safe and that minimizes the chance of me locking myself out ?

Stuff like. Do I bother with 2fa? What are yubikeys. Are these the answer? Do I 2fa all.accounts other than the protonmail one ?

Long single use case passwords or memorizable ones ?

Do I do throwaway emails or everything signs up to my main one ?

Sorry if I overloaded questions. But id love go get insight from people with more experience.

Edit. And oh. Threat model.

Id love yo not lose accounts if someone physically steals one of my devices.

I’d love to not get hsckdd online by someone random that is not targeting me specifically

And in broad strokes. I’d like to keep all my accounts as private as possible from private companies and governments. But im flexible on this one if its too much hassle.

    22 years ago

    It’s pretty important to remember that each device that you’ve installed the bitwarden client on has a local copy of your passwords, and you can always export your passwords too. So yeah, you need to have good backups in place if you self host vaultwarden, but I think it’s one of the lower risk services to run in terms of actually losing your data.