Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
I rarely see that,. But what I see all the time is Linux lovers being toxic fanboys trying to shove their “passion” down everyone’s throat. Also, 99% of them being wrong about what it can “offer”.
Its a pure superiority complex fanbase.
Complaining about Linux and Linux users happens in every Windows-related thread, and you are doing it right now.
As a slight aside I am also sooo tired of people calling talking about something “shoving down our throats”. People talking about someone you don’t care for is not physically assaulting you. That expression seems to exist solely for people to wind themselves up over stuff that absolutely doesn’t justify that level of outrage.
It’s shoving down throats when Linux is brought up in every single Windows discussion. The complaints about Linux are in response to Linux users never being able to just let it lie, people aren’t just bitching in a void.
This is absolutely not people being mad for people just talking about something. I have an extremely hard time believing you truly believe that is the issue here.
There are countless places to discuss Linux without bringing it into the comments of every Windows post. Windows users are not commenting on every post in the Linux communities about how much more straightforward running Windows is.
It would be like vegan eaters commenting about how good it is to be vegan on every post in food communities that features non-vegan food.
Lol this is a thread that was started because of a minor cosmetic windows issue, where the proposed solution in the original post is to switch to Linux.
It’s Linux users shitting on Windows to begin with… With the response being essentially “Linux doesn’t meet my needs”.
I used to think evangelicals were bad, but this is a whole new level…
Fanbase because the philosophy is based on owning your computer. If some asshole you don’t know needs your trust to run their closed-source-no-one-really-knows-what-it-actually does inside what is no longer really your computer just because you paid for it then here…here’s a dum-dum. Hands you a sucker.