Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
No it isn’t.
It’s more like saying: if that guy you hang out with keeps pushing you into the water and you almost drown every time, perhaps you should stop hanging out with that guy.
Of course, that’s not what people who are in an abusive relationship typically want to hear.
It’s hardly a big deal, none of what Microsoft has done is really that annoying. Individually they are barely even noteworthy.
Switching to Linux is a huge pain in the ass to have to go through so Microsoft would have to do something seriously messed up for me to even want to put up with it. I’m not assuming that I could find equivalent programs that even ran on Linux.
Switching to Linux is a huge pain in the ass.
This is literally how MacOS and long time Linux users feel when switching to Windows.
And how many people are telling Linux users to switch to Windows?
Not many, but you’d be surprised.
Yes, I would be very surprised.
That’s exactly the kind of shit abused people say to justify staying with their abusive partner. (“Oh it’s not so bad” - she says with a black eye - “and he’s really sweet normally”)
Yes in the short term it can be painful to leave an abusive person you’ve come to depend upon, but in the long term it’s always the better solution.
Literally abusive relationship cope. LMAO.
“He’s always ready with a life preserver and a towel though”