I am somewhat new to 3d printing and i am playing around with different filaments and print plates on my cheap ender3 v3 se.
Right now I am observing a weird adhesion-issue i have not seen before: The copper-silk filament has trouble sticking to the printplate, but only in some places of the plate.
My guess it’s either some dirt/oil on the printplate. Or maybe the silk-pla has bad adhesion.
What do you think?
This printplate is this (but glued over the original printplate): https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CL5FYHBR
The filament is this: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B09CPBRQXS
some clarification for the video: all corners of the first layer should have been rectangular. Instead some corner lost adhesion and become roundish. Here is the view from the slicer: https://imgur.com/rwA0fQW
Thanks everyone. I raised the initial temp by 5 degree, and reduced the z-offset by 0.05mm. It looks great now
it is printing the fidget star now. Note, that each star has a thickness of 2 walls. The 1 corner is a little bad, because i took to much to time adjust the z-offset.
Those are a lot of fun to play with! Glad you got it working! Textured PEI sheets are great for PLA in general. Usually a good wipe with isopropyl alcohol before a print works to keep the adhesion strong. I find every once in a while actually washing and scrubbing it with dish soap and hot water is needed to refresh the PEI surface.