Study featuring AI-generated giant rat penis retracted entirely, journal apologizes::A peer-reviewed study featured nonsensical AI images including a giant rat penis in the latest example of how generative AI has seeped into academia.
I hate the way AI is being used here, but those labels are fucking GOLD.
- Senctollic stem cells
- Dizlocttal stem ells
- Dissilced
- Rat
- Testtomcels
- Iollotte sserotgomar cell
- Spermatocial stem cells
- Stenm cells
- Retat
- dck
It’s like trying to read in a dream
At least it correctly labelled the Rat, but kinda missed the dck
See Figure 1 for a diagram of retat dck
I loved the labels. Testtomcels.
- Air vent
- Fan
- Saddam Hussein
Ever tried to see what happens when you request “an anatomical diagram of a spider, school book style”. I mean, just start by counting the legs, and once you’ve stopped laughing you can dive into the labels. It’s going to be wild. If you’re into microbiology, try asking for a similar diagram of a prokaryotic cell for extra giggles.