All that money and power and no added happiness or joy. So unloved he has to fake it. I always knew absurd wealth doesn’t actually improve a person, but thanks for constantly proving it over and over again anyway Elon. Glad to know you’ll die unhappy.
This is some “John Barron” energy. Imagine having fucktons of money and still being a whiny crybaby like these fellows.
Very well put. He and many others create a lot of misery chasing what they think will make them happy rather than what actually will. Figuring out the difference is a personal process that you have to want, though.
I always figured he was some kind of workaholic that can never have enough. That is sometimes good for your bank balance but it is often not good for YOU.
I wouldn’t exactly call him a workaholic. He spends quite a few hours a day browsing Twitter.
I did wonder if I’d get a reply like this since it has the word “work” in it, lol.
I’m sure he tweets from the office a lot.
Money won’t make you happy for sure.
Have you seen his mom (Maye Musk)? I don’t think she ever loved Elon, or anyone. Maybe Dalmatians.
You sure she wasn’t just playing nice in order to turn them into a coat?