Use your bank. Stop giving the world’s largest advertising company more data about you.
Yes, give your data to the bank where they will spend it on drugs.
Aww how cute, thinking Google doesn’t buy that data from the bank anyway…
Does your bank use Plaid?
US citizens using their bank account to transfer fund to each other [impossible]
This is because sharing bank account and routing number is not safe for many US banks which may allow unauthorized party to pull money from the account. Banks in the rest of the world typically operate in “push” only so they don’t have this issue.
I still use a payment system called “cash”.
It may not be cool or trendy, but the system has never had a server outage or network failure.
I still use a payment system called “cash”.
I can’t find that app in the play store? Where can I download it?
Have you ever seen a check?
Which contains your account number and routing number, which allows the recipient’s bank to “pull” funds from your bank account.