Probably because they are far more complicated than a regular car and have expensive batteries with precious metals? Oh and we haven’t been mass producing them for 100 years either.
An EV is on all fronts more simple. It’s the reason so many new car companies are being started.
It absolutely has an upfront cost to design and ramp up production though.
Bro it’s just a battery, some motors, a computer, an IO system, and some brakes. An amateur with money and free time could rip the guts out of a traditional car and make it fully electric by following an online tutorial.
No. No, they are not more complicated.
You can learn to build your own brushless motor on YouTube that’s close to as good as anything the major manufacturers are using. You’d need a whole machine shop to build an ICE, and it’s not going to be nearly as good as a crate engine from a company that dumped billions of dollars into R&D.
Battery chemistry is complicated, but you can buy the modules and build a pack yourself. There’s quite a bit of safety knowledge that goes into this so you don’t burn your house down, but it’s all out there.
Even if you bought all the major components and dropped them into a rolling chassis, an EV would be significantly easier to build than an ICE. It’s not even close.