Facial-recognition data is typically used to prompt more vending machine sales.
why do people think it’s okay to do this shit? if you’re coding facial recognition for a vending machine, that’s like 80 steps too far down the capitalism ladder
if you took this machine back to the 1920s and told people what it was doing, they’d shoot at it. and probably you
80 steps too far down the capitalism ladder
This is the result of capitalism - corporations (aka the rich selfish assholes running them) will always attempt to do horrible things to earn more money, so long as they can get away with it, and only perhaps pay relatively small fines. The people who did this face no jailtime, face no real consequences - this is what unregulated capitalism brings. Corporations should not have rights or protect the people who run them - the people who run them need to face prison and personal consequences. (edited for spelling and missing word)
In the article is a sound explanation: the machine is activated by detecting a human face looking at the display.
If this face recognition software only decides “face” or “not face” and does not store any data, I’m pretty sure this setup will be compatible with any data protection law.
OTOH they claim that these machines provide statistics about age and gender of customers. So they are obviously recognising more than just “face yes”. Still – if the data stored is just a statistics on age and gender and no personalised data, I’m pretty sure it still complies even with 1920s data protection habits.
I’m pretty sure that this would be GDPR conform, too, as long as the customer is informed, e.g. by including this info in the terms of service.
If I need to accept a TOS to use a vending machine, I don’t need to use that vending machine.
Fear not, you agree to car ToS if you get in it as a passenger! Not sure how enforcable that is,but the fact they try is gross enough.
I don’t know about the US, but in Germany, by using a vending machine, you are implicitely and automatically consenting with the ToS of the vendor by your action.
Wait-they’ll shoot me at the machine??
Some people pay for that sort of treatment! And you get it for free!