This is the end game of add-on services. This is the end game of subscription based service. Transfer all the liability to the customer and put them on subscription based services. Buy our cars, now featuring enshitificstion.
This is the end game of add-on services. This is the end game of subscription based service.
It sounds like you’re speaking about a possible future of where this could go, and not what is today with Tesla at least. Since the only subscription on Tesla is the optional premium connectivity, Tesla isn’t the start of that. Your complaint is with General Motors with its Onstar service started 28 years ago. source. Just like GM Onstar, the Tesla car still works fine without that subscription.
Transfer the liability to the customer and put them on subscription based services.
Which liability are you talking about?
You didn’t answer my clarifying question about your statement of how the car would be bricked if the company goes under.
I’m done go away
I’m done go away
You’re done? I’m not sure you ever go started. So far you’ve never talked to me, just at me.
You threw out, what I believe, are incorrect conclusions, never responded to my followup clarifying questions, then threw out a bunch of vague statements disconnected from any conversation. I’m not sure why you even posted your criticisms if you don’t feel strong enough to defend them.
Have a nice day anyway!
Shill or troll, why won’t you just shut the fuck up? I’m not interested in your dumb opinion and I’ll keep saying it.
don’t waste your time. everyone can see what happened here.
You’re the one that started the conversation with me, not the other way around. You’re welcomed to stop posting at any time and I’ll stop responding to you.