Why widespread tech layoffs keep happening despite a strong U.S. economy::The number of tech sector layoffs in 2024 has been outpacing the number of terminations in 2023.
If they can’t even admit that the economy is BAD, I don’t feel the need to entertain their other opinions.
It’s fascinating, how the media tries to prop up their “side” despite the obvious reality.
Fox News praising Trump during COVID (which he absolutely blundered), and now the left media saying we have a great economy when me and all my friends are slow at work. So slow it’s concerning.
I really hope you are being facetious here.
The economy is booming. Your slow at work because it’s winter/spring when everything slows down. I drive for a living and can tell you that from what I see, people definitely look like they feel more flush and everywhere is hiring. Not all companies have upped their starting pay to bring in the real talent but some have and those are the companies who will flourish longer term.
I’ll bet you also think that global warming isn’t real because you saw snow and felt cold this winter.
The Fed is your #1 trusted source? Cool
Do you know who runs the Fed? Hint: its not the US Gov because the Fed isnt actually a Federal entity.
Did you say “All the major bank heads in America”? If so, you win a prize!!!
Yes, those people are always so above board, eh?
I didn’t say what my source was. The fact that you think it was “the fed” or the head of any bank tells me that you have no idea how any of this actually works.
I’m talking about real numbers and what I see day to day.
You have a nice day now.
c/iamverysmart comment right there fam
Who do you think publishes the data you are calling “real numbers”?
This guy posts waaaay too much around here. Practically all he does is argue his ignorant opinions. I’ve considered blocking him, but sometimes he writes something so unbelievably dumb that it makes me laugh
You’re welcome!
Not you, the guy you were replying to. I can see why you might have thought I meant you by the way I wrote that. Should have been more clear. My bad
I also drive for a living, and boy is it slow out there.
And ohhhh, you think I’m a solipsist because I used personal experience to back up my claims. Cool.
That’s what’s going on in reality, though. Try touching some grass rather than believing what you see on a screen.
What do you drive?
Semi truck for a company known for something else. Private fleet.
And honestly? I’m tired of being gaslit by both sides. Fuck you all.
You’ve been brainwashed if you think the economy is actually bad. Let me guess, you think we would be having a great economy under the orange mussolini?
All metrics agree that we are doing fairly well economically speaking. The tech layoffs have nothing to do with the economy, it’s 100% corporate greed and the games they play. They staffed up with cheap loans when interest rates were stupid low and paid themselves insane bonuses and now that interest rates are high again it’s time to cut back on expenses.
For the record. The metrics I’m talking about DO NOT INCLUDE the stock market. While tech is seeing major layoffs, the rest of the economy is hiring like crazy. My wife’s company for one is planning on doubling her team over the next year and just hired 2 more people, 1 to replace someone moving internally and a new position.
What about the record homelessness?
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Oh wow, you really told me.
The fact that you attacked first tells me that you are actually a trump supporter or possibly worse, you think that Bobby Kennedy or Cornell West would be better in the big chair than Biden.
I’m never not amazed at the lack of understanding of things like the economy. If all you do is listen to fox and others say how bad the economy is and you don’t stop to analyze it yourself, you only have you to blame for your ignorance.
Have a nice day now.
Yeah Marxists are usually Trump supporters.
Please stop embarrassing yourself.
The economy looks to be good, but the tech sector isn’t the economy. We’re at the popping of another tech bubble as recently developed product lines aren’t generating the returns that were expected of them. Outside of AI, there isn’t a reason to invest in tech, so why people to develop in tech?
What looks good about the economy, out of curiosity.
Unemployment is still low. The stock market is still high. Inflation is down to below historic averages.
The raw numbers look good. And if you want to complain about inequality, unions have been winning major concessions in a lot of their contracts recently, so wages have been going up as well.
Not to mention inequality isn’t some new thing that’s happening now. It’s been happening for decades. It’s not good but that doesn’t mean the economy isn’t doing well by the usual standards. We still need to do something about how shitty things are on that front but if we’re trying to compare how the economy is doing compared to previous years, it’s doing well.
The reason it feels bad imo is because money isn’t free anymore so a lot of tech companies are laying people off. Also inflation wiped away many gains we all made with our salaries. We’re doing better now, information stopped going out of control, but we’re left with the shitty high prices that came with it and they aren’t going down (because most of them are due to corporate greed, not real circumstances and costs).