Lenovo’s concept laptop is real, transparent, and ready to impress::Lenovo’s ThinkBook Transparent Display Laptop is a 17.3-inch notebook with a transparent screen and a built-in tablet for you to doodle on.
I always loved looking at transparent screens in movies and shows. Everything on the screen is bright and colorful, and the camera is able to pan to a view where the background provides a flat color so everything is legible!
Can’t see these working theat well in the real world. How would it do a dark mode? What about bright sunlight and a busy background? The example images already look like the background is going to be extremely distracting, and those are the ones they chose to show it off.
And in regards of text and graphs: everything is mirrored from behind. I am not sure what transparent screens may be used for.
That’s kind of a cool secondary use though.
A one button screen flip to present to someone on the other side would be marginally useful.
Ironically the first thought I had looking at this was “this would make a really great prop for some scifi movie”. My second thought was “this looks horrendous to actually use as a laptop”. Non-physical buttons suck as car manufacturers recently discovered, and aside from looking cool there’s virtually no positives to a transparent laptop screen and a whole raft of negatives.
So yeah, very cool concept, utterly crap product.