10 Reasons You Should Switch From Chrome to Firefox.::The best browser sync out there.
I wish the password autofill feature was more robust for Firefox on Android. Using it as my default password provider but it regularly does not pick up on password fields.
Dunno if this helps you at all, but I’ve been using BitWarden to manage my passwords since I made the switch from Chrome to Firefox (both on PC and my Android phone). It doesn’t fill passwords automatically in either case, but it’s not much extra work to invoke BitWarden to fill those fields as-needed on either device, and it works very consistently. It’s also (I’m told) much more secure. Just thought I’d share that here!
BitWarden is adding autofill!
Personally I prefer ctrl + l
So, I’ve been using Bitwarden as an autofill service in Android and that works just as well I feel. Atleast for login details.
I’ve had this happen with obscure government sites that look like they were made in the 90s, I manually add the login & password for these