Counties are blocking wind and solar across the US::Local governments across the U.S. are blocking new clean energy plants. See the best locations for wind and solar power, and where it’s being stopped.
Wait… Aren’t you guys supposed to be the free-est nation on earth or something?
We’re a country founded by slave owners who wrote things like “all men are created equal”
And they meant men too, not women.
But really they meant White Male Landowners with money.
*Some exclusions may apply
HOAs were literally created to make sure that black people couldn’t buy homes. These covenants put legal blocks on the deed for eternity to keep it from happening. It didn’t take long for white people to buy a house and then turn around and sell it to a black family. The entire thing crashed. What we are left with are small Karens and Chads trying to control the people around them.
Minorities in general. Some of the first HOAs excluded Blacks, Jews, Asians, etc in literal writing. It took a SCOTUS case to overturn.
They also exist to make building a subdivision easier which is there primary purpose today.
You mistyped “allow municipalities to avoid their responsibilities and grant power to private shadow governments with storied histories of abuse and none of the hypothetical accountability that is guaranteed by the US Constitution”.
They are free to die without healthcare
It was an Irishman that wrote “free to screw you before you screw me”.