HP wants you to pay up to $36/month to rent a printer that it monitors::“Never own a printer again.”
HP anything really.
HP stands for hot paninis, because their laptops get so hot they can be used as a panini press.
I still have my HP laptop from a few years ago, and despite running like crap nowadays, it still manages to warm my legs through my desk
Was HP any good ever?
I remember disliking all of their Laps when I was a teen, but maybe it was a bad purchase by my parents too…
Dev One laptop isn’t bad, got one on eBay for less than half of its original price and it’s a solid machine. Other than that, HP can chew glass.
I will refuse to buy anything HP, even used stuff, purely out of spite for them pulling this shit.
Their OfficeJet Pro is $13 a month and offers next business day replacement. If I were to purchase out of spite, it would be with a debit/temporary card with exactly $13 on it, and claim a replacement for defective printer (since it cant print offline). I wonder if HP would still try these things if each “customer” costed them substantially more in shipping back and forth, or having to write off two “office” printers for $13.
Im at peace knowing that i bought it off the previous owner and not from the company, but that is completely fair.
Okay, I might make an exception for antique tech from the '90s or earlier, back when HP was actually good (e.g. a LaserJet 4, an HP-28C calculator, the function generator somebody posted in another thread yesterday, etc.). That’s very unlikely, though.