I’m happy that they’re keeping it up, but I’ve already moved on to the point that even if Reddit were to completely go back on the API change, I wouldn’t come back. Personally I’ve already moved the goal post to where Steve Huffman needs to go before I’d consider ever going back. Reddit is dead for all I care.
Listen there’s a whole board at reddit that greenlit every decision he’s made. He’s not some mad scientist.
The way reddit has decided, as a company, to treat their users over the last 40 days or so, that’s enough for me.
Imagine if in the MySpace days we all found out that using MySpace was generating ad revenue for Tom so he could build a torture chamber for puppies. That would have been awful enough that even 20 years later, (holy shit MySpace was 20 years ago) and over a decade after Tom had left the company, we would still feel weird about going there to hang out online, and a lot of us would feel disgust every time we were served an ad on the platform.
What I’m saying, is Steve Huffman kills puppies and even accessing reddit.com is basically condoning puppy torture. Wait, no. What I’m saying is reddit has created a blemish so hideous that I wouldn’t, not even if I was like, really really drunk. Ya Digg?
It doesn’t matter if huffman goes. This is the result of wanting to make $$$$$$. That won’t ever change.
Agreed. It is funny to hear about, but they would have to roll back years of changes for me to even consider it at this point. Since there is no money in that for them it is pretty much a moot point.
I’ve been editing and deleting 10+ year old comments to deny them that sweet sweet LLM data. No way for me to go back, and I wouldn’t anyway